Look! It's here! The crocuses that I planted years ago are blooming in Rita's yard!

Today was so warm! It went up to about 55 degrees, and this morning the sun wouldn't quit. Yes, I have to say it got cloudy and cooled off quickly this afternoon, but for a little while I could believe in spring again.
(They are predicting snow showers for Sunday.)
The budding daffodils are in my garden.

I feel like the audiance at Peter Pan. " If you believe....clap your hands."
I'm clapping!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I hope your beautiful flowers are not given a false impression that spring is here.
Here, a cold snap can reappear, and all the poor plants, they lose all their flowers and the poor farmers lose their fruits.
Oh my, that's SO encouraging - not to mention pretty!
Yay, it was 50 this morning here but now it's 15:(
Oh, I love your photos of flowers today!! yeah! for the sun! we've had sun all day, only in the 40s but gorgeous. Predicting snow for next -- again, but today was heavenly! So glad you had some of the beauty, too!
Yae, Bobbie! I just love the euphoria of spring! My hyacinths were my first harbingers of spring in my garden. Your daffodils will be so pretty!
Yes I believe you have spring. Clap Clap
Spring is coming! Just the miserable month of March left. And the best part? No more getting dark at 5:00!!! Hooray!!!
I just posted my crocuses, and today I saw that my daffodils have opened, so they're next to be photographed. I can't wait for spring!
I'm clapping too. I love the signs of spring. Pretty flowers!!!
Just to see the grass..that is all I want..but to see flowers..oh my, I probably would be beside myself..
We are getting another bad storm..6 or more inches.
These are lovely signs of Spring and I'm clapping my hands with you ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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