The month of January has departed. We're moving on with 2009. The short month of February, and then we're almost to Spring! I just can't wait. I bid good-bye to January Saturday evening. It was really too cold for me, so I just said good-bye at my back door at sunset.
You know you're moving on into the year when your Christmas poinsettia starts to get as dry as tissue paper and drops leaves. That's what's happening to mine. Wish my

But now we can welcome February, which means Valentine's Day, and that's always fun. And, did I mention, it's that much closer to Spring! At the house where I used to live, I often saw crocuses blooming by Valentine's Day. Won't see them that soon in my garden this year, but I can start looking for them. That's half the fun.
The rest comes when that first golden bloom appears. - It's always the yellow ones that bloom first. A couple of weeks more!!
thanks for visiting my blog :)
I love February for it it is a short month and |I think of it as the beginning of the end of winter. I spent a small fortune on Valwentine cards yesterday for my 5 grandchildren. They averaged in cost about $3.99 each. I remember as a child always receiving a valentine in the mail from Greqtaunt Della who was my grandffather's sister and she lived in Florida. I never met Aunt Della but her kind thoughtfullness made a big impact upon my childhood happiness. I think of her often on those special occasions when I buy cards for the special little people in my family. I learned a lot from Aunt Della and I know how special it is to get mail with my name on the envelope and I promised myself that I shall never forget to buy and send along a special card to a little loved one on those special fun days. Welcome to February!
me too - waiting anxiously for Spring :)
Time goes fast !
I'm hoping for a very warm spring now !
Buh bye January! See you next year...
You know I love winter. I love the cold. I do love spring when color is added to the scenery and we can start yard work. Your mention of crocuses spurred me to see if any are coming up. I must go look. Lisa
I'm just as bad as you with indoor plants. Both my coleus, which was brought in after the first frost and the poinsettia I bought for the holidays, are looking very unwell, indeed. I'll have to try cutting the poinsettia back and putting it someplace dark.
I like February. It's March that I can't stand ... it's SO MISERABLY LONG! And there are no holidays in it! And ... IT'S STILL COLD IN MARCH WHEN IT OUGHT TO BE SPRING!
Glad i got that off my chest.
I love February, too. However, Chicago doesn't get true spring until mid April. Sigh.
Of all the months to be shortened, February is definitely the one! Ick!! But yay Spring. Bring it on Mother Nature. We can take it.
Yes, it's great to see the back of January and start really looking foward to spring. Like your poinsettia, my sign of the passing of January is the last blooming of my Christmas cacti, and yesterday the first withering of a flower on the amaryllis that's been going strong for a week now.
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