Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday #10

I love Mellow Yellow Monday. Thank you, Drowsey Monkey.

I have two pictures today. This is one that I look at all the time because it sits on my computer desk. It's been sitting there for just over a year now. I guess it's self-explanatory.

The other - well, it's a beginning! I found them a week ago, by my front step.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I love that first post. I wish I could buy something like that...I've never seen one yet on the shops here....

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I guess people like us who had enough of winter are just so happy to see a glimpse of warm weather in the future. :)
they are so pretty!!!!

Bryan said...

Nice sign! I think we all need one.

me ann my camera said...

A beginning is right. Wonderful, Spring is coming! Riel

Jackie said...

Wow are those yellow Crocus? They are just beautiful. spring is headed your way!!

The computer sign is great too!! thanks for the beauty and the smile!!

Happy MYM:-))))

nature ramblings said...

I just love all the creative ideas everyone comes up with for mellow yellow. Is that a computer warning sign? Lovely flowers, hooray for spring!

bobbie said...

Feel free to copy and paste the sign.

Jeri ~ said...

Love both of your pics! I think maybe I need a sign like that...and the flowers are beautiful, I'm sure they made you smile when you noticed them!

Anonymous said...

Spring is soo near! These are lovely. I wonder if they enjoy the same climate as daffodils?

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the sign! A winner! And those golden flowers are so lovely!

Dianne said...

I haven't seen anything popping up yet, your flowers are lovely

and the sign is great :)

Anonymous said...

Nifty sign that applies to many of us (if not all) and beautiful yellow surprises to greet us all ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

JonJon Rosaleen said...

Funny sign!!! hahahahah..
Have a great Monday!

Lisa said...

Soooo pretty.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear bobbie
Happy Birthday to you!

I hope you gets lots of good stuff today!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, those bright yellow flowers are a most welcome sight! And, a little bird (named Lisa) told me that today is your birthday! Hope you have a very delightful day, and many more!

(hope I didn't make any URL typos!!)

Anonymous said...

Love the blogger at work sign too cute!

Sherrie said...

Some of my tulips are coming up as well as the daffodils. Hope mother nature isn't teasing this time! Have a great day!!


Daryl said...

Oh so pretty .. and that's a fun sign ..

Anonymous said...

Oh darn- the YouTube link was to the Birthday Song. I was hoping I could copy and paste it directly into the comment, I undoubtedly messed up the URL, Miss Dyslexia, that's me! :-/

Tarolino said...

I wonder if they could make a sign like that that would be comprehensible to dogs too. LOL

Your crocus are gorgeous. How I envy you when your spring is that far already. said...

a beautiful beginning! Love your sign Bobbie.