Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday #9

Thanks to Drowsey Monkey for hosting our dose of mellow yellow each week. I'm finding it fun and surprising how many bright yellow things I discover every day.

Today I am featuring men at work. This is the leaf truck, doing its thing with the vacuum in front of my house.

Driving along the bay a while back, I found they were doing some work with heavy equipment on the dune.


Kathy W said...

Well its nice to see people who are still working. Such depressing news with all the jobs that have been lost. Hope you have a wonderful week. =)

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm first! I really need a truck with a huge vacuum like that to suck up all my leaves from the winter. I'm afraid I'm not a very good yard tender. Good compost, I'm told! ;-)

Kay said...

Looks like a cold and cloudy day to work outside. Great yellows, Bobbie.

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice action shots!

I played too :)

Anonymous said...

magnificent yellow trucks and the yellow lines on the street are just noticeable. Thanks for the visit.

Happy Women's Week!

Elizabeth said...

Looks as if the John Deere tractors were falling over an embankment!
What were they up to?

Elizabeth said...

Looks as if the John Deere tractors were falling over an embankment!
What were they up to?

Dianne said...

I always call those trucks the beasts of burden. so pretty in their yellow, yet so big and burly

love the leaf truck
we have to bag our leaves and then wait forever and ever for a pick-up unless we take them there ourselves - which is an adventure

Judy said...

My son would have torn the windows out of the car when he was small if he saw all that heavy machinery at work! These pictures brought back memories of how he used to love those big trucks and roadside machinery.

Daryl said...

This must have been the weekend for leaf clean up ... our friend B cleaned out the little enclosed area in front of our windows ... nice shots!

Tarolino said...

Men at work are always nice to see. Great shots of the heavy equipment. I wonder what they were doing?

Lilli & Nevada said...

That looks like a lot of yellow heavy equipment

Anonymous said...

Once again I'm visiting Mellow Yellow late because I was away from home most of yesterday. This heavy machinery makes for a fine yellow post, but the rubber duckies in my reader are especially cute ... though I can't find them here.
Hugs and blessings,

bobbie said...

The duckies appeared briefly because I hit the wrong button. they will be back at a later date. Sorry about that.

Jackie said...

Great action shots!! It is nice to see people working. I don't know they are working all over the roads and highways where I live too!!

I hope this is a good sign!!:-)))