At last! It's here!
The flowering almond buds are bursting! The vinca is starting to bloom! The daffodils and tulips and grape hyacinth

Spring is truly here!
In Australia, Harmony Day is being celebrated, affirming the idea that EVERYONE BELONGS - We are all members of the Family of Man, whatever our race, creed or culture, and every one of us should treat every other with respect. It's the Golden Rule. It's the Human Rights Campaign. It's what each of us knows deep in the heart and should be practicing every day.
Happy Spring .. its 31 here . not very spring-like
I did a post about Harmony Day too
Your last sentence says it all - we DO know it deep in our hearts, even if we forget it, or choose to ignore it.
Happy Spring Bobbie
and Brava for being a spokesperson for Harmony Day!!
Happy Spring to you, Bobbie! Thanks for telling me about Harmony Day so I could help push the idea along! Love your photos!
Very nice post, I like the Harmony Day in Austrakia.
There is a saying on one of the school marquees here that reads "Respect is treating everyone as being important." I like that so much and it is easy for my son to understand.
Welcome Spring! I think we skipped Spring and moved right to Summer out here!
Love that there is a Harmony day! You are right we need to practice it every day.
Spring is in Kentucky, too, Bobbie. It is all I can do to make myself come inside. I love this time of the year. It's like everything is waking up.
Yay! It's finally spring time for you! How lovely that the first day of spring falls on Harmony Day. Enjoy your lovely flowers!
I am so ready for Spring, and new growth, and flowers, and gentle breezes, and no more snow!
I'm also loving that Spring is here. And the longer days! This past week we had one day when it was extremely cold and it was just SO miserable after a few tantalizing days of warmth.
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