The Pagan Sphinx has given us this new meme, and it seems to be having great success - as so it should. She is having some trouble keeping up with all that it entails, plus her own busy life. It's OK, Gina. Do whatever you can. I hope there is someone else out there who can help out. Readers, please join in with any great ideas you may have to help us all go green, and maybe to lend a helping hand with the meme, if someone else hasn't as of this week.
I've been tooning again. I started thinking of this last Thursday. Click to enlarge if you care to. It isn't much, but it's all I've got this week.

This is excellent, Bobbie! You got the message across beautifully. Now if only THEY would get on the stick and do something about it. Ummm... oh, you mean me?
Perfect cartoon to go with a perfect post!
Exactly .. We are They and if we dont get off our tushies and do what necessary there wont be any more THEM
you're really becoming a great tooner
love the shades of green
I've neglected TGT for the past 2 weeks, sometimes it's hard to pull together
Great cartoon, bobbie!
I agree...great cartoon...
Michelle From Rambling Woods
YES! Great 'toon, indeed! Love it!
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