Well, I guess I missed it. Yesterday, September 7th, was International Rock Flipping Day, according to Deborah, over at Notes from the Cloud Messenger. And you really ought to go over there and look at what she found!
While you're there, check out her post for today. It is very well worth reading!
I went rock flipping today, and turned up something too. You see this nasty little boy in our neighborhood has been throwing rocks over the fence. Well, I guess he tried to throw a big one and it fell back on him! Serves him right!

OK. Enough silliness. If you go to via negativa, you can see a whole list of people who really did flip rocks and found some pretty great things - That includes Nina, at Nature Remains. No, they didn't find Nina. She flipped a rock and found a treasure trove.
I have never heard of rock flippin. I might pass.
Thanks for your nice comment.
Rock flippin looked like a lot of fun. I am glad the little rascal got what he deserved. Shouldn't be throwing rocks at people's house.
Well now I have heard everything.
You will have to remind all of us next year so we don't miss this event.
Very funny!!!
Bear((( )))
I didn't know of such a day!
I guess everyday is a holiday someplace!
I missed it too and I'm disappointed about that :-( It sounds like a grand idea and a great opportunity for a macro lens.
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