Yesterday afternoon I was on the phone with Villas Girl. Well, that's not news. We are always on the phone. I think she was telling me about seeing another doe when she was walking the nature trail the day before. I happened to be sitting in front of my computer at the time, just doodling around with mah jongg. (Also not news) I finished a game and went to my email just to check, and found a message from California, saying, "Get off the phone! We're trying to call you!" So Villas Girl and I hung up, and I called California.
Kitty and Isaac were just being silly and playing games together, and decided to include me. Isaac got on the phone and told me what they were

He ended by telling me that he wants to come see me again and play with the castle. The castle is one that his mother played with when she was his age. I said I hoped he could come pretty soon. He said, maybe when he's four.
So, there you have it, that's how I spent yesterday afternoon. I don't suppose you really needed to hear that, but I needed to tell it. So I did.
You can read some of Isaac's further adventures on his mother's blog. She doesn't post frequently, but I always enjoy it when she does. Do you suppose that might be because I'm Mom? Well, maybe, but I do think she's good.
Hi Bobbie, I know it was wonderful to hear from your grandson and listen to his new song. He is an absolute doll in that picture! I can't wait until my grandson gets old enough to talk and sing and play games. Sounds like you are going to have a visitor soon. Better get that castle out.
Sounds like a perfect day to me!! He sure is a little cutie.
He really is a cutie! I know how much you must enjoy him. The little kids have such a delightful view of life and it's always a little sad to see that particular view disappear as they grow older. Enjoy the now!
What a smart/cute kidlette!
And how wonderful that he wants to come visit you ... I bet the whole day seemed a lot brighter after that call!
I am also saving some of my kids stuff that they no longer play with for my grandkids. My kids are only 9 and 11 and they roll their eyes when I mention it.
Great post Bobbi :)
What a sweet child...I hope he does come play soon;)
That sounds to me like a perfect day.
We are so very fortunate to have the wonders of the internet so we can daily share in our childrens and grandchildrens lives.
Bear((( )))
What a wonderful thing to hear the singing of a song by your grandson! It makes me happy and I long for the day that I ever get a grandchild...not anytime in the near future!!! blahhh... How wonderful that he has such love and admiration for you!
I wouldn't expect anything less from this adorable grandchild of yours! Ahhh....the love of a child! The giggles of a child, the innocent child! What a wonderful world it would be! Delightful post!
What a cutie. Don't you just love it when they laugh over something that really isn't hilarious but they think it is? And they laugh and laugh and laugh ... that kind of laugh that makes milk come out of your nose.
I'm with Judy - I can't wait until Sumo participates in the silliness!
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