Have you seen their commercial yet? I saw it on CBS last night. It's great!

If you don't know about it, you can go to their site.
There are so many possibilities. We can solve the energy crisis and climate crisis if we can convince the right people to act now. We can do it without foreign oil, without drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, without filling the pockets of greedy corporations with our money. To begin, we need a treaty among nations.
My friend, Singing Bear, left a comment on this post in which he said, we need
"a spiritual revolution rather than a political one" I think he found the right words.
And Sylvia pointed out that it can be discouraging thinking, what can just one person do? But "all of us together are not just one". You're right, Sylvia.
I saw that, and I love it!
Thanks, Bobbi, I'm on my way there now. What a great network we have! And our country needs everyone of us. It's so easy to get into the mindset of "what can I do, it's just me, one person", but all of us together are not "just one".
It's a wonderful thought, Bobbie. If only the US would co-operate in even the most basic of environmental agreements, that might be a start. I suppose if Obama gets in there may be some chance of a move in the right direction. I think we need a spiritual revolution in this world even more than we need a political one.
their message is sound, I hope more and more people listen
President Clinton was talking about his foundation and how much they have done this past year - AIDS, malaria, 200,000 people saved ... and then he said the thing that I think all the time and the thing that breaks my heart
he said that people can and do get things done, that we have the resources to solve all problems but we need leaders to pave the way or to at least get out of the way
meanwhile the Republican team mocks community activism.
Thanks for the comment on my blog today.
To answer your question, I have over 300+ bears now.
It is an addiction. LOL
Bear((( )))
Its a wonderful idea
Did you hear the McCain ad where he cites the energy idea that T Boone Pickens has come up with and makes it sound like its dumb because Obama agrees w/Pickens?
May I share .. this is for Dianne ...
I posted this 'button' on my blog:
Attention Sarah Palin!
Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer
Pontius Pilate was a Governor
Well, I don't agree with Pickens either, but thats neither here nor there. I just tune out the McCain ads myself. Can't take any more.
I feel like my heart is in my mouth all the time. I just can't bear another Repug administration...just can't.
Believe me, I know how you feel, Gina. Most of us feel the same way. I dream of some place without any politicians at all. But no such place exists. I try not to think of what another such administration would mean- not just to us, but to my grandson. Our world will not remain the same - may not no matter who is elected, but most certainly not under McCain. I feel like marching around with a sandwich sign saying "The end is near". But somehow, we will survive. I'm not sure I want to, but we will.
I saw this ad and think it is a great idea. We can solve our energy problems, if we want to spend the time and money. That hasn't happened since the last energy crisis in 1973!
Isn't it the petroleum industry preventing further solutions? I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that the petroleum lobbyists have been against any alternative energy funding. They 'wine&dine" politicians to keep the situation in their favor.
We are hoping for change and I think it will happen with this election!
Darn, I can't seem to catch it. How many times have I hit the mute button or changed channels to avoid an annoying comercial, then when I WANT to see one...
I'm so glad I don't have one of those Tivo thingies for that very reason. Every so often? There are some fantastic commercials worth watching!
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