Time for another Sky Watch.
We have a small airport not far from our neighborhood, and every so often they have what they call a "Fly In". What that means to us is that for a couple of days all kinds of planes fly into that airport one after the other. The smaller planes sometimes make a lot of noise, but don't usually come in too low.

On the other hand, the larger ones not only make a lot of noise, they also come in very, very low. There are times when we are almost sure they will take a few shingles with them.

I took these pictures from the deck behind my house.
Fly on over to the Sky Watch site. Say thank you to Tom, Sandy, Imac and Klaus for handling all of these people with photos every week. Add one of your own if you're interested.
great shots of your sky pic
Please drop at my SWF post also: in HERE. Thanks
Hello Bobbie !
Nice pictures... The sky is cloudy ???
Hello! Yes this was very interesting and it did sound like they were low enough to take some shingles off.
Very nice photos. Lisa
The thing about living near an aviation centre, is that you get all sort of surprises with diffrent planes.
As you point out though Bobby they can get quite low in the sky.
Nice pictures have a good SWF
That is close to you.
I don't think I'd want to be that close.
Bear((( )))
Beautiful skies and nice shot on the plane there! :) Mine is here. See you there!~ Happy SWF!~
Those low-flying planes sure can be scary!
Happy Sky Watch!
Wonderful photo's. I really have been enjoying reading your blog and seeing your photo's!
Uh - they are really flying low.
Great SWF post!
Cheers, Klaus
Nice pictures. Love the cloudy skies.
I know what you mean - we have them nearby too.
PS Thank you for the comment. My picture was from The London Eye.
Yowza, that second one looks loud. And scary I might add.
Perfect catch for skywatch! Happy weekend! Mine's up too hope you can visit my corner too...
Bobbie, thanks for the view. We used to live near an airforce base and the jets would fly right over the house and blast out my ear drums! Gus always liked the sight but I could do without the noise, thank you very much! Happy Skywatching!
Ah... my husband would love to be close to an airport! We live so close to trains and they fascinate him as well! Great photos!
Have a really good weekend!
~Michele J~
Mountain Retreat
The lower picture looks like a Liberator but I am a little rusty.
I love aircraft particularly older ones.
Looks like that second plane is trying to read between the lines!
Hi Bobbie, I like your pictures today. Now, I didn't say that I liked the airplanes. They are a form of 'sky pollution' to me.
Happy Skywatching.
Oh those would drive me bonkers but I'm glad it's not all the time. You must have a good view from your deck.
wow that second plane is very LOW looking! cool pictures!
Great catches, I'm never that close to catch them.
Bobbie: Cool photos of the planes. We also have a small airport near and they had an air show. You could hear the jets doing a fly by as if they were in your house.
That was a funny comment by your Dad you mentioned.
Wow, that is low - I'd be ducking every time. Great photos though of the sky and planes!
Nice - we have planes the fly fast and low through here, but I hear them long after they're gone. Nice capture.
Cool shots. Keep your eye on the sky and you end up snapping a lot.
I plan to contribute something to Sky Watch Friday this week. I see that you've done it on Thursday, though?
Cool photos of the sky with the planes. A plus or minus to living close to an airstrip, depends on how often. Have a great weekend.
We're not near an airport, but, in the country, many have landing strips and fly past us.
The most annoying? A small ultralight that hovered low over our property like a gnat.
I wished so I has a larger fly-swatter.
I LOVE the blues in these two pictures Bobbie! Nice!
Bobbie, the sky view from your deck is very pretty, so I wish for your sake that it soon becomes more quiet, too, so that you can enjoy it in peace!
that plane is landing on your deck :)
nice pics. Happy weekend!
Don't know that I would want the bigger ones that close - great captures.
Gosh, Bobbie! Isn't it scary when they come down so low? The noise, too. I remember that when planes used to pass over us on the way to O'Hare Airport.
Beautiful shots!
At first I though the first photo held a bird, but now I understand that is a bird of a different nature. Must get noisy at times!
Nice to see these iron birds. Have a good weekend!
Great shots of the aircraft against the vast sky! When I was younger I used to be thrilled seeing these big machines up there. The thrill is no less even now!
In the past, I lived in the flight path of two different airports and had views (and noise) like this. Where I live now, I’m only occasionally in the flight path of a 3rd airport … and appreciate the ‘quieter skies’ most of the time. My Sky Watch is at Sacred Ruminations today.
Hugs and blessings,
wow great shots of those planes, you could almost wave to the pilot I should think :) Catherine x
It must interest many to kind of identify the planes flying in and list them.
Does it get taxing after a while to put up with the roar of planes?
Neat shots ...
Great shots.I just hope that those low flying planes don't take too much of your shingle! :)
I used to live close to the New Castle airport in DE. Wow were those ever loud and enormous planes. thanks for the pics, brings back some neat memories!
Great catch for sky watch!
While it must be fun to watch the planes at times the notion of them low enough to knock the shingles off would scare me. Thanks for sharing, cool shots.
Those are neat! I'll be that is loud!!
What a great photo of the planes and the clouds
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