I guess it's time for the male side of the family to be heard from.
My son was born in 1960. We were very happy now that we had one of each. It just seemed right. You know how newborns' features change so quickly day to day at first. As we were leaving the hospital, me in the wheelchair holding the baby, and Ralph walking beside us, a nurse saw us and started laughing. She said, "Well, there's no doubt whose baby that is!" It was so true. His

A month later we took him down to Pennsylvania to meet his Grandmother. We never had any trouble traveling with the children, and we were frequently on the road. Joe always slept the whole time in the car. There was no carseat requirement for children back then, which may have been a good thing for us, having three in three years. Where would we have put them all?
Here they are a few months later, getting ready for

We didn't try to put Joe into a costume, but we gave him a Robinhood hat. Even that didn't stay on very long. He wasn't very tolerant of such things. He was perpetual motion. His sister loved dressing up, so she became the little Dutch girl.
I don't think we ever bought costumes. I always managed to put something together. Of course, in 1960 they were too little to care what they wore. And we never bought a TV until Ruth was five, and her kindergarten teacher asked that they watch certain programs, so they didn't ask to be dressed like any cartoon characters
By this time, my mother was living in Delaware, keeping house f

Joe was always Daddy's boy. After all, he had all those sisters, and me, to contend with, so I guess that was pretty natural. Please excuse the informality of the dress in this photo. I had to include it because I love the way they are just enjoying one another so much.

Have to show you this one. Our neighbors had a kiddie pool in their yard. This is Joe and Ruth and a couple of friends. My neighbor, Pat, and I were sitting in lawn chairs on the other side of the pool, chatting. How quickly things can happen, and how important it is to watch your children every minute! We thought we were doing that. We must have taken our eyes off them for a few seconds,

Joe was the happiest little kid I ever knew. Nothing bothered him much. On a few occasions he did throw a temper tantrum - wh

This is a picture of all four of the children in 1971. Kitty is sitting in "the Trojan Horse", which was given to Ruth on her first birthday, and saw hard use by all four. It got its name because one of them (Ruth, I think) at some point was in a school play, and they needed a horse for the little soldiers to drag across the stage. At present, it is in Joe's

Joe is very much like his dad in so many ways. I am so proud of him for more reasons than I can express. He is definitely one of the Good Guys in this world. Ralph would be very proud to see what his son has become. And why shouldn't he be like that? Ralph taught him just about everything he knew, and showed him how to live.
I wish that I could show you pictures of my handsome son as an adult, with his wife and step-children, and even his grandson. (I guess that makes me a

I am really enjoying your family photos and stories. It is such a part of who we are and yet we can be so different from family members.
Thanks for sharing your history,
Alida (Long Island Woman)
Wonderful photos and memories of your family; looks like it was indeed a happy Norman Rockwell life! Old photos are so great, I have a friend who doesn't take many, and I always say, they're not for you, they're for the little ones, they'll love to see them when they're adults!
Thanks for telling us more about your family. Bobbie. Joe sounds a great person. He was born in a very fine year.
What a wonderful family story about "Joe."
We had a similar swimming pool incident when our daughter was little.
You are so right, you can't take your eyes off young children for even a second.
Bear((( )))
Wonderful, Bobbie, to be able to share the joy your children bring you .. in Yiddish its: nachas!
It seems your son is a fine man. We are both lucky in that respect, as mine is as well.
That's a good photo of all of you; too bad it has deteriorated. Many of mine have done that over the years.
Loved the pictures and hearing about your son. It is so evident how much he and his father look alike in that one photo. The profiles are exactly alike. I love that Dutch girl costume and Robin Hood hat, too. They are both great ideas.
I've been away too long and so enjoyed this post... what a fine American family. Sharing your family history, memories and photos also leads the reader to reflect on personal history and family matters, so thank you for a quiet, reflective moment ~ Deb
You write so lovingly about your family and the photos are so enjoyable to see. (love the old photos!)
Bobbie, Having been away from my computer with everything going on for the past several weeks now, I'm trying to catch up with everyone and of course, you are "a must read blog" for me...This is such a beautiful tribute and recognition to your son and family. I know it must be hard but you are so admirable and respectul of your son by honoring his wishes of not having his photos be included in any of family blogs. I'm sure it is very hard not to include he and his family photos, because I know you are very proud of all of them as well! I love seeing all the photos and also of "Your Ralph!" What a handsome man and it is evident of the deep love that you all had for each other and for family! Thanks so much for sharing your love and family with us!!
I hope I'm fortunate enough to have so many wonderful children one of these days. I also love reading these family stories and hope there are more coming!
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