I have to admit, I'm proud of this one. First, because of the intent with which it is given: building solidarity among left-of-center bloggers. I guess that would be me. At least, when I look at the political picture today, I certainly don't find myself on the right, or even near the center. And second, because it came to me from Gina, at The Pagan Sphinx, who is a blogging friend for whom I feel such respect. She is passionate in her beliefs, in her desire for peace, in her love of family and of art. Most importantly, when she believes, she acts on those beliefs.
In the spirit for which this award was intended: building solidarity among left-of-center bloggers, I do want to pass it on to the following:
To Sylvia, at The View from Over the Hill. Because she keeps on top of things, and keeps us informed. Because she cares.
To Caroline, at Caroline's Crayons. Because her drawings and story lines are so touchingly relevant in today's world. Because she cares.
To Deborah, at Notes from the Cloud Messenger. Because she is so beautifully expressive, and is so concerned with what is happening to our world. Because she cares. Deborah is a Canadian. Perhaps not what one would expect to be included with U.S. Democrats and Independents, but I believe she is one of us in spirit.
To Kathryn, at Fetal Positions II. Because she, too, expresses her concerns for the future of our country and the world and longs for peace. Because she cares.
I must echo Gina's awards. I would happily name every one of them myself: Dianne at Forks Off the Moment, Ben Heine at Ben Heine - the Blog, Poetryman at The Peace Tree, Sherry at After the Bridge, Betmo at Life's Journey, Homeyra at Forever Under Construction. Every one of their blogs so worth reading. I am so honored to have been included in the list. Because they care.
To all of you - PEACE
Thank you so much, Bobbi! As you know, I'm a faithful reader of your blog and have loved getting to know your family through that same blog with which you address so many topics that we all need to be aware of. I guess we do all that we can to try and improve what we all see as a disaster within our country. Let's keep at it!
Thank you for passing on the award, Bobbie. You deserve it highly. The respect is mutual. I think you're a wonderful, creative, open-minded person and I'm so glad to know you!Q
What a great idea to include the other blogs I profiled in my post. I hope your readers will check them out. I will certainly check out your recommendations.
Yours in peace and friendship,
Thank you so much, Bobbie; I'm honored and delighted to share in such company - the blogs I visit and respect, like Sylvia's and Dianne's (and of course yours) and now look forward to visiting the others you mentioned. I am most definitely left-of-center, and have voted Democratic, as I was born and raised in the US (and remain passionately interested in US politics) and have also voted the Liberal Party in Canada, although I consider myself basically Independent, too. I find the older I get and the more I see of what's going on in the world, the less partisan I feel, and think of myself more as a Global Citizen. I don't think we can underestimate the importance of holding the positive vision of the world we want to have, and blogging is an important part of that momentum.
Brava, and some well-deserved recipients. Keep up the great works.
Congratulations to you and to the bloggers to whom you have passed along the award.
I appreciate coming to read your blog. While I don't post much, if any, political views, I definitely am a left-of-center person as well. I will visit some of the other blogs to hear some new voices too!
Hi Bobbie
Thanks for the link and nice to meet you.
Hi Bobbi,
I'm so honored to receive the award. I love the energy that your bring to my blog through your thoughtful comments.
I'm sorry I've taken a week to get back to you. As you'll see in this week's post, I've been under the weather.
My best to you and to the other winners.
Sylvia - We will keep at it.
Gina - Again, thank you.
Deborah - Your positive attitude gives me hope and strength.
Mental P Mama and Snoop Murph - Thanks you so much.
Homeyra -It's nice to meet you too. I will be reading your blog.
Caroline - I'm sorry to hear you have been ill. Hope you're back in the swing now.
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