Saturday, September 27, 2008

Camera Critters #25

This morning for Camera Critters I have chosen one of my favorites. It's the end of September, and about now, or in early October each year, the monarch butterflies start their migration to Mexico. Depending on the weather, here in Cape May County, we are treated to masses of these butterflies preparing for their flight across the Delaware Bay. Here are a couple of pictures from a previous year.

One of their favorites is the goldenrod. The more goldenrod, the more butterflies.

There is another photo over on my sidebar.

You can find many more critters of all kinds at Misty Dawn's site, here.

Thank you, Misty, for hosting Camera Critters each week.


Webradio said...

Hello Bobbie !
Your blog is so funny !
This butterfly is beautiful...
Nice photo, always...
So long !

Teena in Toronto said...

Alas, butterfly season is over :(

I played too :)

Lapa37 said...

Pretty butterflies great shots.

Unknown said...

Lovely, Bobbie. Thanks for turning me on to Camera Critters~!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful butterflies! Isn't it wonderful to be able to find the beauty around us in spite of so much ugliness in the world around us. You help remind us of that and I thank you!

Anonymous said...

An amazing trip for such delicate creatures.

Mental P Mama said...

So beautiful, and a reminder that Fall is here.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I wish I am there right now:) Such beautiful butterfly!~Mine is posted HERE too. Happy CC!~

me ann my camera said...

That is an amazing picture of all those Monarchs on Goldenrod. I don't think I have ever seen more than one or at the most two, all at the same time. A fascinating photo!

Carletta said...

Look at all of them in that second photo - wow.

Misty DawnS said...

Gorgeous! That lost photo is amazing! I've seen an increase in Monarchs around here too - they seem to be everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Oh! You are so fortunate to see all these lovely Monarch Butterflies! A delight for the eyes!

Anonymous said...

that is great, all those butterflies!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful critter :)

storyteller said...

What an amazing sight … how wonderful to see Monarch Butterflies like this! Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

ratmammy said...

these photos makes me wish i were outside enjoying the day! thanks for visiting!

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful butterflies! I didn't know that they will migrate each fall!

Juliana RW said...

beautiful butterfly

Please drop at my CC post also : in HERE Thanks

Dianne said...

aileni said it best! it always makes me feel humble.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi! Last year was my first to see butterflies migrating. I look forward to it again this year.

I love both photos, but I love how you captured one butterfly in flight and the tree full of the pretty creatures. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Monarchs are so beautiful. Great critter post. :)

My Camera Critters is here

AppleDebbie said...

Oh my gosh, what a sight to see so many butterflies in one spot! Beautiful photos, Bobbie.

Christy said...

Beautiful Monarchs. I posted some too on my blog. I love the butterflies especially.

Judy said...

These butterflies are just beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen that many together at one time. Great pictures, Bobbie.

Bear Naked said...

Angangueo, Mexico is on my lifes' places-to-visit list.
I find it simply amazing that these tiny creatures can travel such a long distance.

Bear((( )))

Unknown said...

Beautiful butterflies!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful butterfly! Thanks for sharing.

Please stop by both blogs for double the Critters.

i beati said...

wow what beauty a reak find sandy

EG CameraGirl said...

The monarchs are still her in central Ontario...but not for much longer, I'm afraid.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: I'm so jealous, I have plenty of Goldenrod but a lacking of a wave of butterflies. What a great capture.

KG said...

How pretty!

Every time I see a picture of goldenrod I remember how it makes my poor mother sneeze. She's terribly allergic to it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful butterflies! I have been chasing a lot of those last summer!
For the Love of Pets

KOSTAS said...

Very good post with marvellous subject.
Beloved and beautiful creatures!

Anonymous said...

I love all the butterflies in the last picture. I had a pretty orange one flitting around my lantana bushes and was able to get a couple of pictures for my critters today.

Norm said...

wow! fabulous and beautiful butterflies! I love it..

Gretchen said...

Just beautiful!

Digital Polaroids said...

Beutiful Butterfly!

Ashrunner said...

I rarely see Monarch butterflies where I live. I guess they don't like the desert climate 8v) Nice photos. Thanks