Today I am going back to the bay. I live only a few blocks from Delaware Bay, and I do love its many moods and changes. The day I took these pictures was clear and sunny, and the sky was pretty.
First I looked to the south. There were a couple of Hobi Cats drawn up onto the beach in back of one of the houses.

Then I looked to the north. I love the curve of the shore at this spot. The sky had an entirely different appearance in this direction.

As I left the beach, I noticed the sky again, over the tops of the trees.

The summer months almost always bring us beautiful skies, no matter if it is a sunny day or if a storm is coming - the sky is always beautiful to me.
Please stop at the Sky Watch site and thank Tom, Sandy, Imac and Klaus for their help in bringing these pictures to us.
I love your pictures! It looks so beautiful and peaceful! Boy, can we use some of that these days! I finally managed to get the Sky Watch picture on my site and have pics to post later.
Very pretty. There is something calming about the beach, bay and sky. Lisa
Great shot here! Mine is posted HERE too. Happy SWF!~
Oh my, you do have a lovely curving beach nearby! And the soft sky with it is perfect! Hey, love the new look, too!!
Those are beautiful photos. The house looks like the water is lapping at the front door.
lovely photos!
A few blocks? So lucky. I'm glad you like to go and share your photos!
Such peaceful and beautiful shots.
Very nice.
That photo showing the curve of the bay is wonderful.
Bear((( )))
These are all lovely photographs. I think the first one is my favorite, it's very pretty.
True, I always find it amazing how the other part of the sky is different from the other! =D Happy skywatching! Great photos btw, not just the sky but the wholeness of th ephoto! -Viennadaily
I'm really pleased I dropped in from Oz Bobbie. I enjoyed your site from the Machado quote in the header right through.
Nature, politics and people - the way to go!
Thank you.
Lovely photos. The ocean is so photogenic so just keep those beach pictures coming. ;-) Happy Sky Watch!
The sky is always beautiful to me too! No matter what nature's moods may be! And I love how, on a beach, you can look in different directions and see totally different skyscapes!
Lovely pics!
nice series of picture. the beach looks so peaceful
I LOVE that beach, its magnificent!! How I would love to walk on it each day. How lucky you are to be so close to such a beautiful place.
Lovely skies!
I'd love to be walking along that curve in the beach.
That DOES look so placid. I'm picturing my kid running down the beach, trying to eat sand and shells and totally destroying the peace and quiet!
I love that view Bobbie! Such peace and continuity come through. I am sure all will be well.
Very nice collection, Bobbie. I am particularly drawn to the middle one. There's something about that curve of beach that is very appealing.
Lovely pics!
Oh I do love the curved beach leading to the whatever building. By rights it should br a light house.
what beautiful colors in all of these photographs!
That house on the beach really is right on the beach! How does it survive?!
bobbie, I love the new look to your blog! All 3 photos are so peaceful to look at but the middle one is my favorite with its white sand curving into the picture and drawing me in. Thank you for posting these. How nice to live so close to such a beautiful place!
Beautiful! How come I never saw this stunning scape when I lived in DE?!! Gorgeous.
I wished I could watch such a beautiful sky on a beach right now !
Hi Bobbie, thanks for sharing the lovely, peaceful photos with us. We are all drawn to various places and at certain times. I think it draws out the beauty from inside of us.
Looks gorgeous - but I bet it can be pretty wild.
Can't go wrong with a beach scene. :)
Wonderful place and view!
Amazing how didfferent views from the beach can look.
I love your pictures of the Delaware Bay! All your pictures of the area are so beautiful too!! I would think that it is so peaceful living so close to the water! Thanks so much for your words of wisdom, they mean a lot to me!!! I guess, I'm trying to sort a lot out right now, and I really appreciate your kindness and being so supportive! You are the Best!!! I love the new look of your blog too!!!
Hello Bobbie !
Very nice pictures !
I like them...
The beach is calming...
See You later.
I love the beach and the first one really depicts how it often looks with the slight haze across the horizon. These are beautiful shots.
These are all lovely photos for Sky Watch this week. My favorite is the first. My SkyWatch is at Sacred Ruminations as usual … combined with Haiku Friday just because ;--)
Thanks for the links in yesterday’s post too
Hugs and blessings,
Your sky photos are always the best. . .and you have such an intimate relationship with the ocean. It makes your posts for SkyWatch so wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing, Bobbie.
Nice and I love the new look of your blog .. nice clean and BIG!
Great pictures, I really love the three "S" - sun, sky, sea...
Beautiful seascape.
So nice, I like the DE bay too :)
Beautiful landscape and skies ! You are lucky to live so close to the sea !!
Wow, it looks like a beautiful day at the beach Bobbie, great shots!
By the way...I really like the new layout of your blog.
Beautiful, bobbie! Ah ,I hate to say goodbye to the ocean now that winter is coming on. :(
Oh and I love your new header! :)
WOW!!! That a fantastic area - beauty everywhere you look!
Beautiful captures! Lucky you live so close to such a beautiful place! I love the ocean ,bay~ no place more beautiful or peaceful...your first capture is my fav!
Happy sky~watching!
Great photos of beautiful skies, Bobbie. You live in a lovely place.
Thanks for your visit to my post.
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