Here's an email I received today. thought it was pretty funny.
You Gotta Love the Jersey Shore
Watch the gull do this!
This gull walks into a store in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ.

He has developed the habit of stealing Doritos from a neighborhood convenience store. The seagull waits until the manager isn't looking, then walks in and steals a bag of Doritos. Once outside, the bag gets ripped open and shared by other birds. The shoplifting started early this month when he first swooped into the store and helped himself. Since then he's become a regular. He always takes the same type of chips.
The manager thinks it's great, because people come to watch the thief make the daily grab. That's good for business, and customers have begun paying for the seagull's stolen bags because they think it's so funny. However, the manager did say, "This is New Jersey, and if that seagull starts to grab a 6-pack of 'Bud' to go along with the Doritos, I may have to put a stop to it."
Oh, this is disappointing. The original has a mini-video of the bird, but I can't make it move on the blog, so I just gave you a couple of pictures.
Good news about the computer and that is a funny duck story!
I'm glad that you're getting your computer fixed...it can be so annoying. I think I saw a video of this little guy somewhere. I guess we can't call them all 'bird brains'.. Michelle
Oh, I'm so happy about your computer!! That is great news! And the duck story is just too funny! I love it! Just the laugh I needed this afternoon, Bobbie!
I think the video is on Utube..i know i saw it before..it is very cute! Glad you are not overheating your computer.
Ha! That's a riot! Love it!
Glad to hear the good news about your computer. They can be such a pain, huh?
I saw that email, too. I think it is so cute! I love that others are paying for the gull's stolen chips.
That is good news about your computer, Bobbie. I'll be looking forward to hearing even better news.
That a hilarious klepto seagull!
Good news about computer and I just remembered once we had a problem with overheating. Actually the problem was something worse but the salesperson sold us this device you put under the computer which I guess has a fan or something in it to keep the computer cooler. However we never used it and Eliot gave it away. I don't know why we didn't try it probably because we were at the time always moving and it was one more thing to put away.
How funny bobbie!
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