Hi, Critter Lovers.
About a week ago I was driving down Route 9, and on impulse I decided to go into Cape May County Park Zoo. They have a wide range of animals. It puzzles me that they even have some which are seen quite easily in the wild in our area. This applies to both birds and small animals. They also have a rather large section devoted to small farm animals. I guess that's common in most zoos. The small children enjoy them. They have a number of goats. Who doesn't love a goat?

Next I saw the birds. Here are a blue and a white parrot.

I got a kick out of the fact that the squirrels kept running into their cages to eat from their bowls. Some of the crows did the same thing.

As I walked along, I saw two keepers trying to coax down the white peahen from her perch on top of a fence. She finally flew down, fluttering past me, and ran down the walk and into her own pen.

The flamingos did not look happy. I don't blame them. I wouldn't be too happy in the facility they were given.

Next, I saw the bald eagles. They make me very sad. I know that in this case, the pair had been brought there after they were badly injured, and

Our zoo really is a nice one, and the animals are given as much open space as is possible. I know they are well cared for. It still bothers me to see the tiger pacing behind the fence.

I am well aware that many wild animals simply will not continue to survive as species unless a certain number are protected in zoos. I am thankful for those whose concern and care enable them to survive. Still, I feel sympathy for the individual critters behind bars.
Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters each week.
I feel the same way. My heart really does go out to the Eagles. They are beautiful creatures and I would much rather see them in the wild. But I guess in this case, in order for them to survive, they have to be caged. Heartbreaking though.
All in all, you had a wonderful day at the zoo. And your pictures show it. Thank you.
Ditto for me. I don't go to zoos any more.
I like the head banging picture LOL
Kinda fits my mood ;)
Have you ever gone to the Popcorn Zoo? I think it's closer to you than it is to me. Have to check the location. I donate to them what and when I can. They do the kind of work you describe so well.
I feel the same, Bobbie, especially about the tiger and the eagles. They are prevented from doing what their minds tell them they should do, or using their instincts. It is sad - but their death would be even sadder.
And I agree with both of you, I hate to see such magnificent birds and animals behind fences when I know how they must long to roam/fly free. But how else can we protect the species? They're all dwindling down and it's one more sad commentary about our society.
But your pictures are beautiful and I enjoyed each and everyone of them.
Looks like a well organised zoo. Animals seem happy.
Yes, goats are sweet but they are also Trouble.
We have a small zoo in our little mountain community and it is sad to see the Grizzly Bears and large cats in the small enclosures. The Grizzly Bears (a mama and her two cubs)were relocated to our zoo after failing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service "Three Strikes You're Out" policy where bears are removed from the wild when they approach a recreational or residential area three times.
I enjoyed all of your photos... thank you for sharing them with us.
I love the goats. That's a classy.
I once saw a lion in a small cage in a European zoo that broke my heart. I understand how you feel on this.
Those are beautiful critters! I'm glad you had fun at the Zoo! Thanks for the visit.
i feel bad too when i see animals behind bars.... but often times it's to save them... great photos!
What a veritable menagerie of ‘critters’ in your post today! I share your concerns about animals in captivity … in fact my CC today at Small Reflections focuses on a similar theme. Thanks for sharing your experience with the rest of us.
Hugs and blessings,
I can see that you enjoy ur time at the zoo...
I hope you stop by at my CC post also in HERE. Thanks
That squirrel in the bowl is amusing!
I think the flamingos should be surrounded by lush green plants and at least a pond of some kind.
All really great images!
Bobbie Thanks for sharing both your photos and your thoughts of the situation.
I agree-it is hard to see some of the animals confined in a cage, especially those pacing large cats-I always feel sad for them because it looks like they would LOVE to be free. At the Phoenix Zoo, there is a large open area with giraffe, ostriches and a variety of animals in a nice space to roam.
I was trying to explain "endangered" to my four-year-old-that was tough!
Zoos are a tricky subject, for sure. You are right, though, that many animals will go extinct if we don't keep some in zoos.
I agree with you that zoos are important to preserve animals from becoming extinct. I always like going to zoos. Nowadays zoos are so much better for animals: they have more space and what space they have looks more like their original habitat.
Your photos are great!
I completely understand. I was recently at a wildlife park in which all of the animals on display are injured and unable to be released back into the wild but it is still sad to see them behind those fences. Great pictures.
I understand your concerns too. I hate to see any animal restrained but I know sometimes it is necessary.
We have an eagle at our local wildlife park too but this one was injured and can't fly so it lives on a small island with a nice house to sit in.
Oh wow! You have a lot of beautiful camera critters shots! :) You captured them well. It's nice to see even just photos of animals like these.
I agree with you completely and do hate that they have to be caged. I bet you had a great day at the zoo, your variety of photos are beautiful!
I need to get back to the Bronx zoo. Haven't been there in years. Great series of critters here :)
Zoos have to have good facilities for the happiness of the animals. Nice pictures, the goats are my favourites.
I feel like I'm there with you !! sandy
Those two in the top picture are just kidding around, it would seem to me.
Have they ever had one stolen? Aren't they afraid someone might get their goat?
From the past:The electoral college was designed so that small states and small numbers of people could have some kind of say in the Presidential election. Almost all of the people in the US live in a few population centers and within 200 miles of the coastlines. (55 to 60% of US citizens now live in 772 counties which are adjacent to oceans.)
After the last election I saw a map of the US broken down by county and how they voted. It showed 84% of the country (by county) having voted Republican.
I think you'll find the following at least interesting and how very complicated our election process is and was and can be. cheers!
Great zoo pictures. love the tiger shot.
Me, too - mixed feelings about zoos. I havne't been to one in a very long time, and where I live now there isn't one. I suppose the best we can say is that they are preserving gene pool diversity for some species, and keeping others from total extinction. If we humans ever do get out ecological act together, then maybe we can help repopulate their homelands.
Great photos! Thanks for sharing your visit to the zoo with us! I wish I could go to the zoo.
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