Thank you, Gina! As I told you, I should give them right back to The Pagan Sphinx because I love your blog so much for so many reasons.
I have told you in the past the many reasons why I don't let a day go by without reading what you have to say or checking out the art or photographs you have to show us. Your blog is absolutely amazing.
I do want to pass on these awards to a few people, although there are so many wonderful blogs out there that I really try to read every single day, it's almost impossible to choose just a few. Most of the time I don't even try, but recently I find four people I just have to single out.
Lisa, your Ramblings of a Villas Girl just has to have the I Love Your Blog Award,
and your new Villas Girl Photos certainly deserves the Uber Amazing Blog Award.
Sylvia, after your disaster in losing your old blog and having to begin all over again, you have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off and started your new Sylvia From Over the Hill and continued as if nothing ever happened. Here are two awards just to say Brava!
Deborah, your Notes from the Cloud Messenger has always been a favorite of mine since I first discovered it. I delight in your beautiful and imaginative words.
Daryl, Out and About in New York City is so full of humor and I find your skill with camera and words really refreshing (not to mention the cartoons).
Thank you all. And again, thanks to Gina.
There is, of course, no obligation to pass them on further unless you choose to do so.
Congrats! You completely deserve this one;) And all the others....
And thank you so much, Bobbie! Thank you for all the support during the "blog nightmare", it's not quite up to speed yet, but making progress. Now if I can figure out how to pass these on, I'd like to share them, too.
Congratulations to all the award winners.
Bobbie come visit my blog on Thursday, you'll never guess which bear is going to be there on that day.
Bear((( )))
Congratulations, Bobbie! So well deserved.
Congrats. Your blog is a treat.
I'm looking forward to reading the bloggers you awarded.
I love your blog, too, Bobbie. This award is very well deserved. I checked out some of your links and you've made some lovely choices. I'll try to see the others when I get a chance. :-)
None more deserving than you, Bobbie.
Hello! Well thank you very much. I really appreciate this.
I have to repeat what everyone else has said. You are very deserving of the awards given to you.
I am so thrilled that you've gotten more comfortable accepting awards!! I remember (one of) your first ones.
You deserve and should enjoy. I always come here for something smart or fun or interesting. Or all of the above rolled into one post!!
And your choices are stellar!
Thank you Bobbie .. and Gina for giving Bobbie those awards! You deserve them and more .. me? I am tickled to be in such good company and am off post them on my blog now!
Congratulations! And I'd second at least one of your choices immediately. I rarely let a day go by without visiting Daryl on the M104 in NYC. And I'd agree that you could turn around and hand them right back to Pagan Sphinx too. The others I'm not familiar with, but they certainly keep good company!
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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