Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sky Watch #16

Another week of sky watching! One morning the sky was just so pretty, I couldn't resist taking a ride up to Shellbay Avenue and out to the end, by the water. Had it all to myself, too, just me and the gulls, and just kept taking pictures. If you choose to leave a comment, please let me know - do you prefer just one or two pictures? Or should I continue to in
dulge myself by printing several?

This is the pavillion at the very end of Shell Bay Avenue.

Gulls were flying everywhere.

The pier runs far out over the water.

To the east, you can see buildings in Stone Harbor.

When I returned from the end of the pier, I loo
ked across the meadow to the west.

Then I started back up the road, towards hom

Along the road, black birds flew up from the tall grass, and on the other side I saw phragmites. I love to see them glistening in the sun.

Please visit the Sky Watch site, and say thanks to the team, headed by Tom, who host this meme every week.

I will not be posting a Sky Watch next week. I choose to devote the space to the Blog Blast for Peace on November 6th, when I would normally post Sky Watch.
Stop by if you like. I know that many other Sky Watchers are participating. Perhaps they will do both.


Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Very beautiful! This is a beautiful area to photograph.

I for one don't mind lots of pictures. Lisa

Sylvia K said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures, Bobbi! Love the water, the clouds and the birds!

Daryl said...

LOTS of pix, please, especially when they are as wonderful as these.

Did you see that my glass pumpkins last week were from GrassRoots Gallery in Stone Harbor? Just 'round the corner from the best pizza place ...


Guy D said...

Great pics, especially the first ones. Looks like a great place to sit back and read a book. Thanks for sharing!

Regina In Pictures

Juliana RW said...

lovely shots

Mine SWF post in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.

Kay said...

Something about the visual design of the pier photo grabs me. I love them all though.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are all wonderful. Good thing I don't have to make up my mind which one I like best. Great shots, Bobbie!

Namnet said...

So beautiful sky and the area you took the photos. Wonderful.
Please keep posting as many photos as you can, they are pleasure to look at.
Happy skywatching:-)

Reader Wil said...

I am glad you showed several photos. They are so pretty! Thanks for visiting.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: I beautiful look at a neat walk to the beach and back. You captured some neat skies.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - what a lovely day. Thanks for sharing it with us - the clouds and the fresh air, and the gulls. All of them together make for great memories. Nicely captured.

Rose said...

Awesome tour you gave with all those shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

These are wonderful photos. Such a beautiful place with lovely skies.

Mojo said...

Post as many as you please! Especially when they're this good. I got some killer shots of the fishing pier at the hotel I was staying at that will surface in the coming weeks.

I'm guessing the pier in your shot isn't an "official" fishing pier, but I'm guessing it gets used as such pretty often.

Photo Cache said...

beautiful collection. hey, it's your blog, do what makes you happy. i don't mind either way.

Webradio said...

Very beautiful all these photos !

Arija said...

Great set of photos, I love the wind swept grasses best,

Sandra said...

So many beautiful pictures - it's hard to pick the favorite one.

Michele said...

I love the series of photos you have here today.
I especially like the gulls in flight... that is awesome... I'm very pleased with your post. =)
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Kathie Brown said...

Dear Bobbie, what a nice walk. I think you should follow your heart and your creativity in regards to posting. After all, this is your blog! I like the Phragmites also, though I did not know that is what those plumey grasses are called. Am I guessing correctly? Thanks for stopping by to say HI! I always appreciate your comments!

bowledover said...

Bobbie these are lovely pictures and you let us walk with you as you tell about them. Thank You.
I will think of you next week.

Unknown said...

Very nice series of pictures and scenery

nonizamboni said...

All great photos! Always great to 'see' what you see. The piece shot is a favorite. Thanks for sharing and here's hoping for next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

A picture story well told.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful spot! And what a beautiful spot for picture taking.

Marla said...

Great photos. I enjoy looking at photos!

Kelly said...

Oh Wow Bobbie! Please keep taking us on your trips with you!! I enjoy seeing all the wonderful places you take us! I bet you did have a Great Day! All your pictures are so creative and I feel like I'm experiencing the excitement of your days through your great shots!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos.


Dianne said...

I love your photos so lots is good with me!

KG said...

I also love going on these little trips with you and admire that you still go out frequently to take such trips. Good for you! Keep those pictures coming!

SandyCarlson said...

You have taken some very beautiful photos. I especially like the one of the pier.

Carletta said...

A beautiful series of images but my favorite is the long pier stretching out into the water!
Nice post!

Anonymous said...

Lots of lovely skies to enjoy - happy skywatch!

Sally said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. Let's hope there are lots of BLUE SKIES after next week's election :-)

raf said...

This are lovely images, Bobbie, and work great for SWF! Thanks for taking us along on your outing. Glad you had taken as many as you did.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place (and sky of course) lol !

me ann my camera said...

the first pic would double well as a shadow shot also; lovely area full of wide open spaces! Happy Skywatch and also Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Pretty pretty and good choice for the week...

Torsdag 1952 said...

Nice series of sky shots. I like the one with the pier most.

storyteller said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely experience with us today … it’s WONDERFUL just as it is! My SkyWatch/HaikuFriday this week is at Sacred Ruminations as usual.
Hugs and blessings,

Indrani said...

Beautiful collection of SWF pics.
Very joyous!

Anonymous said...

great photos. I think it's fine to do a number of shots. I only do one at a time so that I don't run out of photos! Thanks for sharing. Happy SWF

Louise said...

A lot of wonderful sky shots. The last two are my favorites!