I hope that everyone has had a good week. In South Jersey it has been a very nice one, with some storms at night, but sunny days, not too hot, not too cold. Lovely.
Like all the rest of you, I love to take photographs of the sky and clouds. I find that some greenery in the foreground usually adds to the picture. Today I have some pictures like that. Sometimes it is a treetop. Sometimes just a leaf pattern against the sky. See what you think.

Tom, Sandy, Klaus and Imac work hard to bring us Sky Watch every week. Our sincere thanks to all of them. Please go to the site and say thank you before you look at all the photos from all over the world. They will appreciate it, I'm sure.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am having a LOT of trouble getting into any comments today. So, please forgive me if I don't get around to many of you today.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I love your pictures! I, too, am having troubles with a lot of things after this morning, but nature's beauty is always there to remind us of what is really important. Thanks, I really enjoy sharing my pictures and I owe that pleasure to you for tuning me in to Sky Watch!
Very nice mixture of photos. Thanks for sharing.
Great capture for SWF!!!! I am so happy to be part of this fun. I find myself excited visiting other sky photos all over the world. Happy Skywatch! Hope you can visit my SWF entry too...
Interesting pictures! Well done Skywatch post!
Cheers, Klaus
great photos. Loved the first one.
Lovely photos, Bobbie, and thank you for the tip about framing the photo with leaves. I am always looking for a way to make our relentlessly clear blue skies (not complaining!) look photographically interesting.
I like that a lot the pictures with the greenery it really enhances the sky. It sort of makes it softer more approachable! Lovely photography, Bobbie.
Happy SWF.
Very nice photos.
I too am finding it difficult to make comments today.
Happy Sky Watch!
Love that shot by the treetops. Good job!
Teach and Learn
Join Matter of Fact Monday-A New Meme
I love the leaves against the sky... sometimes those are hard to get (especially if you're old like me and what you want to shoot against the sky is very low). Nicely captured!
And I couldn't pass up BlogBlast. It's a pretty easy way to make a statement if you think about it. Unless you're Mimi that is. She really pours heart and soul into that effort.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! Yes - I agree. The greenery does add to the photo. I love all your photos, but the first is my favorite. Very nice. Lisa
Love them all...especially the third pink one;)
Love the contrast of the trees and the clouds
I think the first two are my favorites. Oh and I love your header!
I view the sky often through leaf borders these days and somehow the autumn skies are so much more blue and intense, or at least they seem so to me. I think though, part of the in tenseness of the sky blue colour is so striking as we are often seeing it bordered with its complementary colour such of orange shades and hues.
Thank you for your 'lambscape' tag to my landscape of hills and lambs; it is a great creative description of it! And I loved it. I have a painting of that scene hanging in my living room and from now on it will be referred to as the 'lambscape'. :-)
Great pictures of the Jersey sky.I lived there my whole life just moved to NC almost 2 years ago.I lived in BrownsMills for 7 years but my childhood was spent in the Mt Holly area.
you sound like you are having perfect Fall weather.
Your skies are beautiful as well. I like the first two the best. Actually, they are all really very pretty!
Great SWF photos. Have a great weekend.
We had such a rainy day here, today, that I love seeing a nice, clear blue sky. As always, great photos!
I always find a little green indeed adds a little extra pop!
Your appraoch to composition is a good one. Nice shots.
Thanks for your sky photos..very good...and thanks also for visiting my skywatch post also!
A great Skywatch post! Beautiful photos of the sky in your part of the world :)
I love cloud images. I just like to watch clouds in general too.
Thanks for checkin out my blog. I was so disappointed that I had to leave the snow...
I cant wait for the snow back home but I only like it the first day or so. Once it starts to get dirty or slushy then it can go away...lol
Have a great weekend!
Bobbie, another wonderful post! I really like the first one with the green leafs hanging down! It is a great capture and very creative photo! All are great, but this is just really different and so creative!
Very pretty!!!
Beautiful Jersey skies. I love to combine my sky shots with greenery too.
Great shots all!
Nice shots for sky watch!
Those are gorgeous, Bobbie.
Thanks for the link to the video re McC. I was disturbed. (And my mind was made up a while ago....for change. God bless, friend.)
Trees and sky-always a winning combination! Happy Skywatch Bobbie! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m with you on the ‘making up your mind’ issue … I can’t imagine how ANYONE is undecided at this point … but I suppose it takes all kinds. I enjoyed each of your Sky Watch photos and particularly enjoyed the way you included some ‘greenery’ in each for contrast. Methinks the 2nd one is my favorite today.
I’ve published on both blogs this morning – SkyWatch/Haiku Friday at Sacred Ruminations and another HF post (in which I ‘reflect’ upon my upcoming Blogoversary) at Small Reflections containing a ‘Fall Thank You’ for all … just because.
Hugs and blessings,
Beautiful sky pics! I had nothing ready this week but hope to next Friday.
Nice shots!!
A beautiful range of pics! I especially love the white textures of clouds in the 2nd one!
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