Here in the U.S. we are all concerned with the November 4th elections. But on November 6th there is another event taking place. It is called the BlogBlast for Peace. You may have noticed the globe on my sidebar, and found on so many other blogs recently. People from countries all over the world will be participating, and You are invited.
The desire for Peace is universal. Why not join your fellow bloggers in this demonstration? It's been happening for two years now, twice a year, in June and November, that means it has had five launches, and it is growing each time. Just click on the link to learn more.
Thanks Bobbie, I'll check it out.
Thank you so much for this post. With passionate peace bloggers like you, we can move this movement to new levels of involvement.
I have added your site to my sidewar with the growing list of bloggers who have done likewise. You are awesome.
one small thing: It hasn't been going for five years..just two with five launches. It began in November 2006. See you then. I'm so excited!
Bobbie: I've seen this here and there. Thanks for the nudge to participate. I'll be hopefully doing this tonight.
Dianne left a comment, which I accidentally rejected instead of hitting "Publish". She said she's participating, but didn't do it last time because she couldn't figure out how to make a globe. Well, I didn't know how either really. I sort of stumbled through one using Picnik. It's very much home made, but it's from the heart. I do now understand from Mimi that you can just tell her what you want and she can have it done for you.
Thank you for your call for Peace, Bobbie. I hope with all my might that people will come to their senses and vote for Peace in just a few more days. I just read that 86% of the American people do not approve of the Bush situation now. The reporter asked how it's possible that the 14% could be approving of the horrible situation we and the world is in now.. It staggers the imagination.
Here's the rest of Dianne's comment. Anyone have ideas to answer her?I have also been thinking of how we can all share the night of 11/4 and the morning of 11/5.
I know I won't be able to sleep so I'm thinking of "monitoring" my blog all night and giving folks a place to come and talk.
Diane M was asking about how to do a virtual victory party. Any ideas?
I am looking forward to both those dates ...
I participated in the previous 'June' Blog Blast on two of my blogs and have created 3 new Peace Globes for the upcoming Peace Blast on November 6th. I'm working on posts to accompany them because I'm planning to participate on all 3 blogs this time. If anyone needs help creating a 'globe' I'd be happy to help.
Hugs and blessings,
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