Hey Harriet - and everyone else out there,
Shadow Shot Sunday sounds like fun to me. I'd like to try it.
Here is my first contribution. It is a shadow of a hummingbird. Hope you like it.

To see many other interesting shadow pictures, follow this link, or click on the badge on my sidebar.
Welcome...I sat in my grooming shop for days trying to get the mysterious shadow of a humming bird that fed every morning outside the window. The shadow cast through on the burlap shade was stunning, but alas, all I got was frustration...great shot, congrats....
WOW! How on earth did you catch that? This is wonderful Bobbie!
WOW! How on earth did you catch that? This is wonderful Bobbie!
What a great shot and a new meme! Thanks!!!
Hi Bobbie, That picture is great. You are such a photographer. I love coming over here to see what pictures you have posted.
OOoooo.. that's outstanding, Bobbie! Very cool!!
Mountain Retreat- Canada
Wow! What a gorgeous shadow shot of a hummingbird! I imagine that would have been very tricky to capture! Awesome photo! Thanks so much for joining in SSS :)
Regarding the timezone difference...yeah it's a little confusing. I set the SSS post to publish first thing Sunday morn (12am) Australian time. I'm not sure what that time is in the States (if that is where you are from, sorry, should have checked, I'm only guessing). Basically it doesn't matter when you post your shot. It can be Sunday time in Oz or Sunday time in your country. Some players from the States post Sunday Oz time & others post during Sunday their time (if later in the day it will be Monday here). Whatever suits you is fine. Hope I haven't managed to confuse you even more...hehe ;D
PS - We do seem to have a record number of Bobbies! When I link/credit the players with the collages, I display the blog name as the link. So you'll not see all the 'Bobbies' listed below the collages next Sunday, but your blog names instead. 'Almost There' etc... :)
I like it and if I remember correctly you have mentioned that fact before; that you like shadows. This is a lovely hummingbird. I wonder if I can find some shadows. What a nice idea for a meme!
I love that Bobbie
I'm going to check this out, shadows are so wonderful to me. They're like little entries into a second world - or something like that lol
Happy Sunday!
Wow Bobbie! This is a Great capture! I love this new meme you've joined, I think it looks like a lot of fun...Wish I was as good a photographer as you, I'd love to be in group like this! Great post and very impressive shot!
Lovely hummer shadow shot! These little guys aren't easy to capture on film.
Beautiful! Incredible shot!
What a perfect picture! And amazing considering how quickly those little creatures move. You are a great photographer! I'm just really beginning to get into it since my son handed me his digital camera and said, 'go have fun'! And I am! Thanks again for turning me onto Sky Watch!
Awesome hummingbird shadow shot! Glad you could join us. The more the merrier!
Hi Bobbie! I'm so glad I finally got my computer back, and didn't miss this shot of yours (I'll probably never get caught up on everything I missed!), it's absolutely wonderful - nice job!
Nice shot! You can see the wings beating in the picture - pretty cool!
Karla & Karrie
Hi Bobbie,
Thanks for your visit to It Strikes Me Funny and positive comment re my oatmeal. (It is pretty darn good all right).
I see you're connecting with many other photographers.
One site I visit to view and occasionally share photos based on a weekly theme is at http://writteninc.blogspot.com/
Maybe I'll see one of your photographs there next time I visit.
Gord H.
PS I appreciated your earlier post about the upcoming election and encouragement to vote.
How amazing is that, I can't believe you caught a flying birds shadow. Who does that??? Welcome, welcome to SSS. You will love it and will become totally addicted to shadows. We will have to call you Bobbie2 :)
sorry, I have comment approval on my blog.. I got all your comments... I was just asleep (it is 6am now and I am up checking the emails)
nearly everyone asks if I am american because Bobbie is a very unusual name in Australia (I am actually Bobbie-Jean) so I dont bump into too many... except in the blog world..
love your shadow shot.. amazing
Well this is an awesome shadow picture. Not only the hummer shadow, but tree branches. Very beautiful. Lisa
Excellent shadows! Wow you did well to catch the little bird..can actually see his little wings going flat out!..Well done! :D
Goodness! You must have been quick as lightning!! Great shot.
Now that is something else..How did you do that shadow?..Just wonderful..
It really wasn't all that difficult. The bird was hovering. The trick was to be in the right position , back to the sun.
That's a GREAT picture. I'm amazed you can see so clearly that it's a hummingbird - I bet if I tried to do that it would just look like a black blob.
What a great first entry! I see many wonderful interpretations of Shadows in your future! Thanks for a lovely shot.
Wow! what a great shot! You must be very quick with your camera. That hummingbird doesn't look like she was going to hang around for long.
Really wonderful photo!
Beautiful shadow ! Yes...
Bravo Bobbie...
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