I haven't written a whole lot lately about my grandson, Isaac. But I've been thinking about him. I always do. I miss the little guy. For no particular reason, I decided to offer pictures of him today. He has a good friend, Za

I love this one with his mother, too. He looks so much like her when she was his age. We see that in so many of his pictures. It amazes me how much he looks like both of his parents. How can that be? But he does.

We have a picture of his dad as a baby and one of Isaac when compared side by side look like the same child. And we have pictures of him and his mom that again look like the same child.
Here's another, standing outside of the corn maze, or the amazing maize maze, as they advertise it. They always enjoy the maze each year. This, of course, was taken after their big pumpkin picking session.

I just want to hug him.
Guess I'll have to settle for now for my teddy. Teddies are nice, but somehow they just aren't the same as cuddling a little boy.
Especially since Teddy sits only about 4" tall - but he is soft and cuddly.
The pictures above, of course, except for Teddy, are not mine, but were taken by Isaac's Mom or Dad.

Lily Hydrangea, of Long Island Daily Photo has been nice enough to give me an award. It is the BFF (Blog Friend Forever) Gold Card Award.
I am very flattered and honored by this. I have great admiration for Lily. I found her blog because I lived on Long Island for twenty-one years, and she publishes so many photos of scenes that I remember well. They are beautiful photos, and are always accompanied by interesting and informative text.
There are rules with the award, including passing it on to five more blogs. This is something I always have trouble with, and although I did it one day last week, I really do not want to try to do it again. As I have said before, I have come to know so many truly wonderful bloggers, and have come to think of them as friends, and I find it very difficult to choose among them for these awards. I will think about it, Lily, but I can't promise to follow this rule just now.
It is amazing how children look like their parents...both of them. I think we are looking into more than just features. When you know the personalities and the little movements of a person, you can see that in the child.
It's it great to have grandchildren!
What an beautiful child.
And I'm sure as a grand parent you "see" your own child;s face in many wonderful ways!
The lovely blonde locks...sweet, sweet boy.
Your grandson does look just like his mother. He is such an adorable looking child. I had mine all weekend and I must admit I am tired today. He is 17 months and running everywhere and into everything! I like your hitchhiker below.
We have lots of photos of our kids where we can see both sides of the family, so I understand that. When my first grandson was small, his other grandmother swore he was the image of his father at that age and I had pix of his mother that showed his to be her image!!
Do they plan to cut his hair soon?
Very pretty photos with a nice text, always...
The child is very nice...
Isaac is absolutely adorable. I can see by his welcoming face why you miss him & think of him often.
Bobbie, I know what you mean about the whole award thing. I have two others I never acted on because it was too hard to choose!
So don't sweat it, I understand completely!
Thanks for your kind words to me on your blog.
; )
Isaac Is a real sweetie pie.
And yes I do see the resemblance to his Mother.
Your tiny teddy is so cute also.
Guess you'll have to get a larger teddy to snuggle with.
Bear((( )))
I had to chuckle at your question, Judy.
His mom does not want to cut his hair and claims that he doesn't want it cut. It's true that many little boys where they live (in CA) have very long hair. I would like it shorter myself, but they'll do it their way, and I must admit, it is beautiful - most of the time.
Great pictures. I was looking through some the other night and it is amazing how good it can make you feel and the memories they bring back.
What a sweet little fellow he is! Not having my own biological kids, I can't imagine whatit would be like to see resemblances. How wonderful for you and all your family!
Your grandson is adorable little boy! I don't have any grandchildren, but I still love looking at pictures of my kids when they were growing up. They are and were so different, I often asked myself how their Dad and I could have produced all four of them. But I'm glad we did.
Isaac is my favorite kid of the blogosphere! What a cutie. Great shots of him; always so happy.
Isaac is absolutely adorable! He is sure All Boy!!! How lucky to have grandchildren, they are such a blessing! The blond curls are wonderful! So glad that you shared these photos cuz they certainly bring a smile to my face and heart!
Isaac is adorable. I enjoy reading about his latest comment or discovery when Kitty posts.
And man! He is so photogenic :)
congrats on the award! you are a BFF
WOW!!! what a heavenly cute lil guy U have. So, sweet...
Cool, how the parents really looks alike w/ their children. God knows the answer.
Enjoy ur day ahead!
It is amazing how they can look like their parents yet still have their own idenity. Did that make sense? He is a handsome young man. Must get his good looks from his grandmom. (and his mom & dad)
Congrats on your award. Lisa
Issac looks like such a sweet little guy, I can understand how you must miss not seeing him every day.
yeah, cute kid, if only somebody would cut his hair... Grrrrrrrrr!
You are so deserving of the award ... a good friend in blogland and real life!
OOPS .. forgot to say Isaac is delicious!
I understand so veri well every word, what you have written.
My grandchildren are living faraway and I miss them like you do.
He is adorable little boy, I wish all the best to him and all of you!
Greetings from Finland!
Thanks for sharing these pics of Isaac with us, Bobbie. You are obviously a very proud grandparent. What joy.
Congrats on th award! :)
Isaac is a total cutie. But you already knew that, I'm sure.
Congrats on your award. Your grandson is such a handsome young man. I always miss by grandson, he did come over with his dad on Sat. and again on Sunday. He even called me last week. He must have known I was missing him. I hadn't seen him since my hubby's funeral.
I want to hug Isaac too! What a handsome boy. I know what you mean by missing them. Mine beg me all the time to build a house next door to them.
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