Hello Critter Lovers.
On Friday morning I started out to go to the store. As I was opening the car door, I found I had a hitchhiker. This is what I discovered.

He/she was a pretty stubborn one too. Wouldn't get off no matter what I did.

I guess he/she just wanted to go along for the ride.
Every week our Camera Critters meme is hosted by Misty Dawn. Thank you very much, Misty. We appreciate it.
A praying mantis?
He/She seems so large! Nice capture before it flew away!
What a great shot! He was a determined little guy, wasn't he?
This is one of the most interesting critters! I haven't seen any around here yet, but I keep looking. Maybe if they'd cooperate and show up on something red, like this one did! Fun post, Bobbie!
Hello! He/she is a cute little mantis, but doesn't he/she know that it is dnagerous to hitchhike? Lisa
I don't think I've even encountered a mantis; its seems rather socialbe doesn't it!
This is the second one I've seen in CC's today and I haven't seen one for real in years.
Great capture!
Maybe the "walking stick" got tired of walking and wanted to hitch a ride. :)
lucky you have your digicam by you...
Please drop at my CC post also : in HERE. Thanks
Oh my gosh.
Now the camera critters are coming TO you.
You must be getting quite a reputation in the critter world.
Bear((( )))
You would need a large jar and piece of card for that lady(?)
Wow! I have never seen one out of the garden before! Persistent!
I haven't been out blogging much lately, but wanted to thank you for stopping by recently! I appreciated your kind words! I bookmarked you blog, so I can come see you again!
Maybe she needed to go to the store as well and was tired of flying.lol
Very great shots !
Yes beautiful photos...
Have a good day !
now that's an interesting looking bug! also, great contrast with the car!
That's a very clear picture of this insect! He looks like a big guy! Have a great weekend!
Good gracious! It's huge and looks almost like an albino.
That's a biggie! Love those bugs, I finally got a shot of one this summer...I was giddy. ;)
Obviously, I'm a HUGE fan of Praying Mantis, as you can tell by my post on Misty's Words this week. They are endangered - He just wanted a ride to go find his pals ;-)
I had a mantis stuck to my garage screen door recently, and he wouldn't move either....LOL
they are going strong this week. Haven't seen one myself in many many years sandy
What a great blog! The little critter seems so big... I have seen these from time to time in my yard, but never thought of photographing them.. I will have to do so sometime.
Great pic for CC :) They are hardy little critters eh!
Wow very cool looking. Bet he'd just blend in if he was in the grasses this time of year.
I didn't realize they were so large, yikes. Pretty cool
Must have like your car! Nice shot!
Wow … what a ‘kewl’ critter you found to share today … and a hitch-hiker to boot! Mine’s at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,
Bobbie: Very cool, did you pick it up and move it or just drive away? That one doesn't look like it has the green eyes.
wow he's a big one. lucky he didn't steal the car ;)
great close-ups
Maybe he thought you were the local taxi!
Hmmm, waiting for a special invitation, I suppose. :-)
Maybe he/she was praying. I'm sure they have their own religion.
Doesn't he know hitchhiking can be dangerous?! Neat shots :-)
WOW... just suctioned itself on there and refused to leave... that's amazing... what a bug!! =)
Neat pictures. This looked big.
Damn that thing looks huge.
now that is some hitchiker nice shot
At least it was a peaceful hitchhiker and not one with a gun, lol !
I havent seen a walking stick in forever ... I hope he/she enjoyed the ride
One of this critter's relatives hopped on my face while walking through the woods a couple of weeks ago. I had my camera, but was too busy screaming to remember to take a picture. Nice shot! BJ
Seems like a large bug. What a great shot!
Why am I not surprised that you drive a red car? :-)
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