Time for this week's Sky Watch! And this week I am going to show you a photo taken by my friend's son - just because I think it is a really neat picture. He was trying out a new camera. Wish I could give you details on that camera, but I have no idea what kind it is. I do know it must be a great one.
Rob's picture is of Waikiki. It was obviously a beautiful day - which is not unusual for Hawaii - but just look at the detail. And don't forget the gorgeous sky. Thank you, Rob, for sharing this picture with us.

And while we're thanking people, let's not forget Tom, Sandy, Klaus and Imac, who give us Sky Watch each week. Go to their site to view other great photos from around the world.
Wish I were there. Right now.
Fantastic photo, looks like an amazing place to visit
Well, this photo has almost convinced me to board a plane for Hawaii tonight. ;-)
Happy Sky Watch!
Your friend's son has captured a lovely picture, with so much to look at.
Thank him from me will you please.
Thank you Bobby for sharing the picture too.
Ah vacation is all we need, thanks for the reminder.
Happy skywatching. This is a fabulous view.
Beautiful - the colors in the ocean are stunning - must be reflecting from the sky, no!? Interesting skyline too - very nicely captured.
Beautiful! and thank you so much for telling me about Sky Watch! It's such fun and something to look forward to -- a lovely break from politics and all that stuff we're all so tired of!
Wonderful sky and waters; gemstone colors!
Hello! Beautiful picture. I wish I was there. Lisa
Beautiful blue in the ocean there. A bit too crowded for me, but the image is nicely composed!
That's a realy striking composition.
This is so appealing! An all round wonderful picture of sea, beach, people, buildings and gorgeous sky!
I have stood in almost the exact spot he took the photo from!! What good memories I have there. The sky is almost always gorgeous in HI!
Never seen a wall like this. Understand the concept, and think all beaches in the US should have this wall.
Beautiful! The color of the water was the best for me. I remember driving up the coastline and rounding a bend - I was speechless. So many years ago - makes me want to go back.
Thanks for sharing Rob's image!
The water looks awesome!!
Hi Bobbie, you should have gone with Rob. Isn't this pretty! I really liked Hawaii, the cost of living there is high to stay on.
Happy SkyWatching!
That is a wonderful shot. The different colors of the water on either side of the breakwater and the skyline are an interesting combination. Such images remind me that the built world is always very small alongside the created one.
Bobbie: It is a neat view with the hotels along the beach reaching into the sky.
That looks like a lot of fun. This picture would make a great re-post in January or February! :-)
That water is a glorious colour. I'd love to be near the water right now - its 33 degrees outside and its not even summer.
Beautiful! Amazing how different the color of the water is closer to shore.
Sooooo beautiful :)
Great shot.
What a postcard-perfect picture of Waikiki. Kudos to the photographer.
Your friend's son is a promising photographer! Have a nice weekend and thank you for your visit!
I have seen many pictures of Hawaii recently but this is the first 'urban' shot. And a very fine one too - esp when blown up.
The sky is beautiful and so is the color of the water.
Rod did a grand job on this shot.. thank him from the team here at Sky Watch... and thank you for the kind words... Sky Watch is only as good as the folk that link each week and share their views... like you... so its thank to you from all.. :O)
Pictures like this always surprise me for the shore and beach look so wafer thin with such an appearance of weight sitting on it with the big, tall buildings under the beautiful blue sky. This is a lovely photo and a scene I would like to be in.
beautiful sky at Hawai!
Thanks Rob for sharing! and thank you for showing us...
that's an interesting looking beach that looks like a lot of fun to swim at. I wish I was there now!
Beautiful photo of Waikiki Hawaii! I wish I was back there right now, could sure use a vacation right now and what fond memories this reminds me of! Great photo that your sons friend took!
Man do I wish I had the money to spend 2 weeks there in January.
Wow, impressive. I've never been to that island but it looks like a great city.
Hmmm … this is a beautiful photo of a lovely place! Makes me want to book a trip … almost. My Sky Watch/Haiku Friday post is at Sacred Ruminations this morning.
Hugs and blessings,
WOW .. I would like to be the one holding the camera ... I am sure there were many good photo ops .. nice that he shared this with you and you with us ..
Fantastic shot! Thank you for sharing:)
Have a nice weekend:)
The new camera took a first class photograph, gorgeous shot of Waikiki.
Excellent SWF pic. Looks like a perfect day.
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